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Texas Tech University Football Camps

in Lubbock, Texas

Welcome and thank you for visiting the official Texas Tech University Football Camps website. Camps and clinics are held at Jones AT&T Stadium in Lubbock, Texas. Texas Tech Football Coaches and staff look forward to seeing you on the field. For more information about our program, use the links at the top of the page.


Upcoming Camps & Clinics

*All Texas Tech Football Camps will all be conducted on the campus of Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. The camps will be held at the Sports Performance Center, the Football Training Facility and Jones AT&T Stadium located at 6th Street and University Avenue.*

Event Dates Cost Register
Coaches Clinic - Pre-Registration $54 per coach 04/04/2025 - 04/05/2025 $54.00 | Coach Registration Register
Mini Camp 1 | 9th-12th Grade (Fall 2025) & Junior College Prospects | 12-5pm 06/01/2025 $44.00 Register
Specialist Camp | 9th-12th Grade (Fall 2025) & Junior College Prospects | 12-3pm 06/07/2025 $44.00 Register
Mini Camp 2 | 9th-12th Grade (Fall 2025) & Junior College Prospects | 12-5pm 06/08/2025 $44.00 Register
Mini Camp 3 | 9th-12th Grade (Fall 2025) & Junior College Prospects | 12-5pm 06/15/2025 $44.00 Register
1 Day Youth Camp June 18th | 8:30am-12pm | K - 6th Grades (Fall 2025) 06/18/2025 $105.00 | K - 6th Graders - 8am-12pm Register
1 Day Youth Camp June 18th | 4:30-7pm | 7th - 8th Grades (Fall 2025) 06/18/2025 $105.00 | 7th-8th Graders - 4-7pm Register
Mini Camp 4 | 9th-12th Grade (Fall 2025) & Junior College Prospects | 12-5pm 06/22/2025 $44.00 Register

DISCLAIMER: Please note that in accordance with NCAA rules, an athletic booster or other representative of Texas Tech's athletics interests may not pay for any expense (e.g., registration fee, travel, lodging, etc.) related to a prospective student-athlete's participation in a sports camp or clinic administered by Texas Tech or any of its coaches or staff members. This camp is not an official function of Texas Tech and is open to all entrants limited only by numbers, grade level and gender.

Online registration is safe and secure using Ryzer.